Pearl in a dust-bin

Sometimes I think my mind is on another planet, or even another dimension where it’s writing with gusto leaving me blank and pallid so I apologise for my silence lately. The feelings I have to be able to write just aren’t around and I’m not going to force the words to appear.

However, I have been reading quite a bit and as you can see on the right there I am currently reading the huge four volume A Short History of the English People by John Richard Green. I’m about three quarters through volume 2 and Queen Elizabeth is on the throne being pestered by Queen Mary of Scots. I’m also reading Sir Walter Scott’s Lay of the Last Minstrel.

Previous to this I read a wonderful book by Marie Corelli called The Sorrows of Satan and if you get a chance I recommend it. Here are two quotes from the many excellent examples of her writing in the book.

…Be sure that if you are unhappily celebrated for either beauty, wit, intellect, or all three together, halfsociety wishes you dead already, and the other half tries to make you as wretched as possible while you are alive…

…To be missed at all when you die, some one must love you very deeply and unselfishly; and deep unselfish love is rarer to find among mortals than a pearl in a dust-bin…

I hope to be back soon with poems.

Happy Sunday and thanks for visiting 🙂

Changing times

My laptop is working again, but I’m not sure how long it’ll last so at some point I’ll need to buy a new one.

Apart from the laptop being busted I think I have been too. I know I’ve done this before but I’m doing it again and deleting my social media accounts. Facebook went in January and today I’m deleting my Twitter and Instagram accounts.

I don’t spend much time interacting on those platforms apart from the occasional poem on Twitter and uploading photos of what I’m reading or just general stuff including some of my writings to Instagram. I spend more time scrolling life away and not connecting with folk as I’m not all that good with the social side of things so it’s time for them to go.

This of course means I’ll have more time to spend here on WordPress, or at least that’s the plan.

Thanks for your continued support.


Open house


Light and love live on
side by side with dust and death.
Nature’s open house


Today is my WordPress 8th year anniversary!

Thanks for joining me, staying for the ride and keeping me on track. 😀


What she gave me

It was such a long time ago when she gave me a gift; I didn’t know what it meant, perhaps I still don’t. Time is a distant memory and it was a very long time ago, but so is now and we have so little of it. Looking back I see I can fold time and see her, but not see her.

This memory thing we have, this prophetic voice inside us tells us things we remember and we use these things to prophesize our lives. All because of time and our running out of it. We believe in something ghostly. We trust in something distant from our understanding and so we live not for ourselves but for our memories of time yet within us knowledge exists and so we listen to the teachers, but are they right or wrong?


A little side note here.

I am currently working on my new collection of poetry, similar in size to Broken Roses and kind of carrying on from that book but not so dark and deathly. This was the last poem I was going to include and thought it would work as a prose poem but seeing it like this I don’t think it does as it reads more as an essay type thing so here it is for you all to peruse.

Thank you again to those who have bought my books, you’re all very my appreciated.

Thank you

Many thanks to everyone who entered my Goodreads giveaway to win signed copies of my two books Silence Happens and Being Human.

1039 people entered the competition and three winners were selected. I’m sorry if you are not one of the winners but if you would like to read them, they are available to buy through Lulu 🙂

Thank you 🙂