Why can’t we?

When you see a bird soaring
what is it you see,
flying feathers, moving sky
or movements of mind?
When you wade into the ocean
what is it you feel,
chilled skin, soft underfoot
or softness of mind?
When you climb to the highest peak
what is it you know,
breathless scenery, free space
or freedom of mind?
Is it a reality?
Or is it that as we live in the shadows
of destruction
of pain
of sorrow & fear
of unrelenting anger,
is it that we strive
to search out freedoms in our life
to climb on the shoulders of reality
to find peace?
When surely, all we need to do
is accept the fact
that none of this is real
and we are merely a blink
on the surface of thought.
We are here for such a short time
so why can't we be free
why can't we have peace
why can't we make this our reality
instead of just a dream...

(edited from 2017, and no idea how this formatting is how it is. WordPress, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!)

How small are we?

How small are we to believe we are any bigger than the ant, restrained as we are in our belted psychology of belief thinking because we are what we are we have the right to trample, for we do trample, upon the lesser creatures (humans included).

How small are we to believe we are anything other than oil on the surface of life’s pond where we are different from the tree, the mountain, the wind, the elephant or the ant.

How small are we, how insignificant compared to the simpleness of an elephant’s soul, the intricate beauty of a petal’s unfurling, the deep touch of a snowflake’s silence, or the magnificent strength of an ant’s gift.

How small are we, when stained and shamed (as T. E. Lawrence’s wisdom says) into pettiness by the innumerable silences of stars, for we are seedling soil beneath an ant’s belly looking up searching for a chink of light from one of those silent stars.

How small are we, looking for a light to show us the way when if we were to look within for the light we were born with, the light of essential being, the light of truth in who we are, of a belief in us as simple beings we would see how we are, each of us, one beautiful person who is no bigger than the ant, who is no bigger than one’s self who is one beautiful speck of life.

How small are we
to believe
we are any bigger
than the ant.

the art of seeing

This welcome sunshine
burns away thoughts of that sweet rain
which washed away that radiant sunshine
after it burnt away those morning mists
which dampened spirits of those moonilt fields
whose silence opened to breathe the stars
as they themselves woke the might of time
where it sparked imagination into being
and that life there, that simple dream
taught the soul the art of seeing
and that life there, that simple sight
opened doors to the unseen light
of this dark world, this world of
fragile alchemic blight
where the sun it shines to breathe new life
to give us hope for a world of sight

As tea is sipped

Is it so high
so far above?

Reaching for a leaf
a cloud
a star

Reaching for a feather

Is it so high
so far above
or is it that I
have not given enough thought

Time does not exist
we invented a name
to make us feel safe
but instead we count
the minutes until the tea is brewed
and in that “time”
millions, billions, trillions of things
live and die
in the blink of an eye

and we have not given enough
thought to each other
and why should we
when in the blink of an eye
the cup is empty.