Peace in a busy technological world

Hush now

The storm has passed
leaving behind
a kind of soft saturated wildness
in the air
on the leaves
in the sky where the clouds,
seeming unsure as to their purpose
or their colour,
melt along the horizon
to reveal the blue, blue
age of day.

Hush now

Go to your windows and open them
walk along your path and breathe
open your heart and smile
turn off your tech and feel the clean air
smell the mulch
taste the abscence of rain
and watch as one after the other
creatures fly about, crawl about
under the blue, blue
age of day.

Hush now

Live in these moments
breathe the peace
stretch your mind and your body
reach up, reach down
reach all around. Now,
watch as those whisps of breath
drift to the trees
to the earth
and up to the blue, blue sky
to create the rain of tomorrow’s peace
for the coming new age of day.

Hush now

When her silence speaks

When her silence speaks

the rush of
leaf chimes
mulch growth
bark banter
her, mellifluousness

When her silence speaks

lissom creatures begin
their rites
for early morning
awakens the spirit
her spirit

When her silence speaks

nature’s monks
renew the air
spatial awareness

When her silence speaks …

trust begins

When the dust settles

When the dust settles

We are born seeing the world as a solid place
with different surfaces: earth, air, water, fire and so forth.
All solid in their own way.

We go about our lives interacting with each surface
creating things using a mixture of these solids which includes ourselves.

Sometimes when there is a silence there comes a clarity
and the dust motes begin their slow dance of finality.

If you sit long enough with the air around you becoming still
you’ll come to see things in their natural states.

You’ll receive a heightened appreciation of your surroundings
and with your senses reborn you can watch as the dust settles
to reveal a blank canvas where everything permanent, solid,
has an ambient essence of life with a different atmosphere.

You’ll see.

Slow burn

this slow burn of time
those morning clouds
silent trees
and waking birds

light becomes
humans wake
to ruin the burn
the slow burn of this

Hold the light

Hold the light
of your own belief
within you
and let others do the same

Peace comes only from freedom


(from Being Human: Little Thoughts of Life, Nature, Peace, Freedom & Love)