
Sitting here
looking at you
taking you in
with all my heart
to connect
to understand
to feel your pain

But, there is no need
you’ve been here
a long, long time
and your pain
has always been with you
pain birthed you
and you turn it
into something beautiful

As a leaf falls

As a leaf falls

She will have her way as the slow progress of nature moves ever onwards.

Time is irrelevant for the leaf because it knows one day
it will become a tree, a rose or even a mountain
as we struggle in the mulch of our own awakening.

Coincidence, or Nature at Her Best?

For a while now I’ve had some health problems and a couple of weeks ago I was prescribed medication to help.

Now I’m not after any sympathy or ought like that as I don’t generally talk about stuff like this but I just wanted give the reason for this post and introduce the power of nature to listen to us and reply in her own way.

As far as I could tell the medication helped but came with headaches of the ridiculous kind. 12 hours a day for 7 days and it said they go away after a week or two. On the 7th day I could take the pain no longer as each day seemed worse than the previous and on that day I was in tears. I just could not move without the pain cutting me short and making me quite dizzy and unstable. Needless to say I am no longer on that medication and am now all good except of course the aforesaid health problems which should be sorted in a month or two.


I always talk to my house plants, I have a nice Weeping Fig; Ficus benjamina and a lovely Dragon plant; Dracaena marginata and quite a few Peace Lilies; Spathiphyllum.

On the 6th day of the pain I could barely move without my head feeling like it was being attacked with even more hot stabbing pokers or needles. My body was getting stressed and I gradually became quite hot. I didn’t know what to do as pain killers just bounced off the pain even the ones the doctors prescribed.

So I put my faith in Nature and my plants because a while back I read that plants are aware of our thoughts (Caretakers of the Cosmas by Gary Lachman and Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird).

The sky was clear and blue without a cloud and the weather unseasonably warm. As I said I was getting stressed and rather hot so I sat in front of the Dragon plant and with both hands wrapped around its trunk I asked for help. I just sat and asked and asked. I sat there for about 30 minutes or so and then all of a sudden the sky changed and for about the next ten minutes it hailed! Lots of nice cold hail stones fell and my room temperature dropped. It was just perfect. I stood and watched it and as I cooled and relaxed I smiled and thanked her.

My headache was still as painful but I was much cooler and more relaxed.

Nature at her best?

I’ll let you decide, but for me the universe, she, came to my rescue.

The curse of it all

The curse of it all
The blessing of it all
The dark bark of it all
The beauty of it all

To reflect upon it all
is to grow heavy
under the onslaught of her silence

and like a bee to the purple
like a shadow to the moon
like a shimmer from reflected grace
the truth will blind us soon

When once there was a seedling
When once there was a smile
When once there shined a coal-black eye
Thine fervent beauty came alive

The curse of it all
The blessing of it all
The dark bark of it all
The beauty of it all

To hear the tune of it all
is to grow feathers
under the onslaught of her wisdom

and like a finger to the ‘bow
like a bird to the nest
like a light from distant shores
the truth will come to rest


A spiritual distance of starlight
shines the love of angels
upon the hearts of those
who write the same song

The Oak of Time (Part One)

In the midst of green deep in the forest of Graiall there lives a kingdom of Leaf Riders, led by the valiant and very handsome Bladewhistler.

And there he sits now upon his powerful and immensely fast Leafwind.

Oh there are many many living in Graiall and all not much bigger than your little finger and oh to see them smile, to see them dance, and oh to see them ride is so thrilling, so breath-taking and oh so so green like the shades and shadows of the liquid velvet of the forest.

Bladewhistler is at that moment in his life where he has a choice. He is at the fork where his age will either remain the same and he will live forever in the company of his friends and dance and sing and play and ride or he will grow into a grand elder and live in the one place all Graiallians dream of … The Oak of Time where green is born, a place of perfection where the music of peace echoes between each and every branch, and the timeless beauty of nature’s essence shines its soul for all to feel and for all to become at one with life.

Now you might think that’s an easy choice for Bladewhistler to make, who wouldn’t want to touch and be a part of Mother Nature herself? Well let me tell you something, it takes only the truest of heart and soul to reach The Oak of Time and the journey is a long one, and sometimes hard too and sometimes fun.

What will he do?