The silence of today

The silence of today
breathes life into tomorrow
Fragment from my new book

Fingers crossed it will be out soon but looking more likely to be next year!
It’s a spiritual elemental love story

Spiritual awakening

Release the fear

Awake the fragile

There are many reasons as to why we are, or feel fragile and also why we fear, but sometimes we fear because we are fragile, timid, controlled or unable to come to terms with our weaknesses or our imaginings of a weakness within us because those who do control prefer it that we stay inside our shells and so we become more and more unable to break free of their bonds and our own bonds.

It is very difficult to stand up, very difficult to say what we think, very difficult to acknowledge that we are anything but their servant, very difficult to believe in the strength lying within and very difficult to be open to the reality of the idea that we are a person of note with our own tools of and for life.

The biggest and greatest tool we have is imagination.

We are stronger holding the belief of our courage in our hearts, in our souls; in our very bones.

You can awake the fragile and you can release the fear but yes it is difficult, very difficult.

When the dust settles

When the dust settles

We are born seeing the world as a solid place
with different surfaces: earth, air, water, fire and so forth.
All solid in their own way.

We go about our lives interacting with each surface
creating things using a mixture of these solids which includes ourselves.

Sometimes when there is a silence there comes a clarity
and the dust motes begin their slow dance of finality.

If you sit long enough with the air around you becoming still
you’ll come to see things in their natural states.

You’ll receive a heightened appreciation of your surroundings
and with your senses reborn you can watch as the dust settles
to reveal a blank canvas where everything permanent, solid,
has an ambient essence of life with a different atmosphere.

You’ll see.

As a leaf falls

As a leaf falls

She will have her way as the slow progress of nature moves ever onwards.

Time is irrelevant for the leaf because it knows one day
it will become a tree, a rose or even a mountain
as we struggle in the mulch of our own awakening.

Wandering Spirits

This drum, drum, drumming
oh so gentle within us
… an echo breathing

This subtle fire deep within
bleeds its life story
giving our souls reasons to breathe

This chance to dance within light
is born when we smile
… an echo breathing

… an echo breathing

After all that rain

After all that rain
all this …
I wake to see art.

Sitting here
with the clocks back an hour
I’m in bed with a coffee.

That bright ball of wool
is being tugged along
by cosmic cats
leaving its fluffy warmth
to permeate the sodden
storm-filled cloak.

Mist curls to chase
the mewing
only to lose substance and fade.

Art remains
to seize the day
and obliterate the night.