If this was real

Inspired by the video of an article I read in Emergence Magazine #1 called Lost World about the destruction of the Cambodia’s Mangrove Forests for their sands. When she sees the pretend waterfall in Singapore’s Lost World complex she says, “If this was real, imagine how beautiful it would be.” and the following poem appeared.


Connecting the threads between ecology, culture, and spirituality – Emergence Magazine

I’ve not recorded anything for a long time now, and I apologise for my voice in this recording, it’s rather croaky.

If this was real
imagine the world
imagine the love
for the land
imagine the silence
of being
imagine the touch
of green
upon your heart

If this was real
there would be no pretence
no greed
no hunger
no theft

If this was real
you’d know her soul
you’d feel her
you’d live

If this was real
instead of her destruction
instead of human indifference
instead of the disappointment
of being human

imagine how beautiful it would be


This is why we do the things we do
it is the reason behind everything
or else what would be the point
what be the purpose of me being a poet
or of you being a poet
or of you/me
or of you being a singer
or a dancer
a teacher
a thinker
… spirit whisperer
soul connector
heart lifter
life bringer …

it is the reason behind it all
even if it is something as mundane
as making a cup of tea
because passion is there
in the swirling.

Hold the light

Hold the light
of your own belief
within you
and let others do the same

Peace comes only from freedom


(from Being Human: Little Thoughts of Life, Nature, Peace, Freedom & Love)

Thank you

Many thanks to everyone who entered my Goodreads giveaway to win signed copies of my two books Silence Happens and Being Human.

1039 people entered the competition and three winners were selected. I’m sorry if you are not one of the winners but if you would like to read them, they are available to buy through Lulu 🙂

Thank you 🙂